martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

Truth table

A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, on each combination of values taken by their logical variables.

In particular, truth tables can be used to tell whether a propositional expression is logically valid.

A truth table is composed of one column for each input variable and one final column for all of the possible results of the logical operation that the table is meant to represent.

Each row of the truth table therefore contains one possible configuration of the input variables, and the result of the operation for those values.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Physical differences between Japanese, Chinese and Koreans

The principal diferencies between japanese, chinese and Korean are in the eyes and in the nose.


The eyes of the japanase have the part lower almost horitzontal.
The nose is straight and in the majority is small.


The eyes are slanted up and the majority are round.
The chine have the a small and wide nose.


Their eyes are smaller and if you look carefully at the bottom is different, besides his eyes are more slanted than the Japanese and Chinese
Her nose is like the Chinese, a small and wide

Japanase alphabet

The Japanese writing was born from the Chinese writing, than was carried to Japan with Corea, in the sigle IV. The Japanese writing has there sistems for writing and one for transcription.

  • Hiragana
  • Katakana
  • Kanji
  • Rômanji
The hiragana

It usually write the words own the Japanase onomatopoeia produced by living organisms.

The katakana

It usually write the words for write phonetically words with foreign origin. Also it use for write onomatopeias and, in the form figurative, for enfatize the words. when it want call the attention.

The kanji

Kanji are the sinograms in the Japanese writing. The Kanjis are utilize in the majory for express only concepts, to diference for chinese, when can are also utilize in its caracter phonetically. However, also exist combinations of kanjis than doesn't obey its original significate and than only put for its phonetic value. To this combinations are called "ateji".

The rômanji

The Japanese use the roman alphabet. The rômanji are utilitzing for names of marcs or companies and also for write international acronyms. In the românji has diferent sistems of romanitzion, which the most know is the Hepburn, but the Kunrei-shiki is the official in Japan.