The most basic difference elementary and everybody realizes is the handling of characters given. In the comic characters tend to be more realistic, although they are very exaggerated in term of positions and anatomical structure (who know who has such great body muscular and bodybuilders), the manga tends to be caricatured, exaggerated or decreasing certain feautures (eyes and nose) to five certain effects, but also usually free deform the characters (super deformed and stuff).
As for the techniques of drawing, comics tend to have a finer finished about inks, colors, line, etc. with respect to the sleeve. No I mean the manga are technically inferior to the comic. This occurs because the number of sheets in a comic in proportion to the number of team members (screenwriter, inker, designers, colors, etc.) is much smaller than a sleeve, which are much more rare work in teams, in addition to deliverink packpages leaves much greater volume.
Another difference is that the sleeves are usually black and white and color comics for the same reasons described above.
The comics tend to always appear in an edition for them by themselves, while the sleeves, at first, have to share space with many others from different authors until they acquire a certain prestige.
With regard to origin, is an American comic and manga is Japanese.