miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Drake equation

Drake says that this equation can calculate the number of civilizations in the galaxy.
N = R* · fp · ne · fl · fi · fc · L

In the equation,

* N is the number of civilization in the galaxy with which we expect to communicate.
* R* is the rate of star formation in our galaxy (starts formed each year).
* Fp is the fraction of these stars have planets.
* Ne is the average number of rocky planets in the ecosphere of the star (the area where they can develop life as we know).
* Fl is the fraction of those planets where life develops.
* Fi is the fraction of planets with life where intelligence is achieved.
* Fc is is the fraction of intelligent civilitzations that can and want to communicate.
* L is the number of years of "life" of civilization that is able and willing to communicate.

With estimates of Drake, it is possible 10 that are created by alien civilizations detectable in our galaxy.

In particular, if we take the example of the Earth and look how long it has been intelligent life on it (200,000 years), comparing it with the total time of existence of life (3,700 million), would obtain value of is much more limited (and realisitc) of 0,000054.

Another parameter which Drake was very optimistic it is. Based on empirical results, although it does in our solar system with planets that there are two theoretical possibilities of harboring life

With estimates of Drake, it is possible 10 that are created by alien civilitzations detectable in our galaxy.

In particular, if we take the example of the Earth and look how long it has been intelligent life on it (200.000 years), comparing it with the total time of existence of life (3.700 milion), would obtain a value of is much more limited (and realistic) of 0,000054.

Another parameter which Drake was very optimistic it is. Based on empirical results, although it does in our solar system with planets that there are two theoretical possibilities of harboring life (Earth and Mars), this seems to be very exceptional, because of all the planets found outside our system, there are very few that could host life.

So using the same equation of Drake, with more consert parameters, obtained disappointing results, not more than on civilization in a detectable range of millions of years. However, even these estimates restrictive Michael Shermer came to the conclusion that the entire known universe should exist some 5.000 intelligent civilizations.


From a scientific point, interest in Drake's equation lies in our own approach on the equation, since there is lack of sense to try to obtain numerical solutions, since they know many corners of the universe and not know whether there could be life on other planets. There are many scientists who have done the calculations, they found many different results from one civilization to find 10 million civilizations.

From a more social, if cvrec that there may be life as we do not know the entire universe, but I do not think there is any equation able to calculate all civiltzacions there in the universe.

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