miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
Bride and Prejudice
Final Fantasy VII
Corel: City that was devastated by ShinRa. It is after crossing Mount Corel. It is in ruins. It Barret's hometown.
Gold Saucer: Great park in the middle of a desert which is reached by a cable car in Corel. Is divided into several sections, devoted to leisure, battle, chocobos, relax and even relax with a trip by cable car.
Corel Prison: Lower Gold Saucer. Originaly was the old Corel, its ruins were converted into a prison. Here ends the people who have caused problems at the top. Only you can get out of here if you'll win a chocobo race, but first you need permission from the chief, who is the friend of Barret, Dyne.
Northern Hemisphere:
It is the smallest. The south is forested, but the rest, known as the Icicle area is covered with snow. In the far north is a crater that descends into a cave, where they are sleeping with Sephiroth Weapons.
City of Bones: A small encampment of archaeologists. They are valuable treasures in the sand. After the camp, it is the Sleeping Forest, which leads to the Forbidden City / from the Elders.
Forbidden City or City of the Ancients: ancient abandoned city that was once populated by the elderly. The group arrived here looking for Aeris, who has come alone to invoke the Sacred White Materia to destroy the Meteor invoked by Sephiroth. Disc 1 ends here, with Aeris's death at the hands of Sephiroth.
Town of Icicle: Small neighborhood in the snow. It is reached through the Forbidden City. The vast fields of snow leading to the Gaea Cliffs, the highest part that connects to a cave which you reach the Northern Crater.
Northern Crater, Scar world made by Genoa. Here lie Sefirot and Weapons, creatures created to defend the planet. Wake up when Cloud gives the Black Materia to Sephiroth. Inside the crater there is a cave with dangerous monsters in the depths where there is a fragment of Genoa and the great Sephiroth.
Wutai: elongated island west of the Western Hemisphere. It has a city of the same name, which succumbed to ShinRa by Sephiroth. It Yuffie's hometown. Optional is a city, but if you have Yuffie and visits, extra live an adventure with her and with the Turks.
Mideel: Archipelago islands formed by two horizontally extended south of the Eastern Hemisphere. At the clinic of the city is Cloud in Disc 2 after falling into the Lifestream. The city was destroyed by damning.
Cloud Strife, a mercenary, ex-SOLDIER of Shinra, the game's main character. Wields a sword of immense size, which formerly belonged to Zack Fair. He joins a terrorist group AVALANCHE. Although at first seems very serious and disciplined, he is a man with a great sense of justice.
Tifa Lockhart: Cloud's childhood friend, a member of AVALANCHE, very strong and brave. Starts developing feelings for Cloud after he tells him to join SOLDIER, and that she makes him promise to defend Cloud when in danger. She has no arms, fight with fists.
Barret Wallace: Leader of AVALANCHE. He is convinced that the Mako reactors are damaging the planet. Feel a great hatred for all that is attacked Shinra as his hometown, Corel. His weapon is a cannon embedded in one arm. She put it on when a soldier shot him and shattered his hand.
Nanaki / Red XIII: red-haired animal like a cat, is a very strong warrior with intelligence than human. Belonging to a dying breed longevity sworn to protect Cosmo Canyon, and everything in it. It is believed that the existence of this breed probably originated before the Cetra.
Cid Highwind: great driver of the Shinra corporation, frustrated by the fact of not having fulfilled his dream of going into space, piloting the ship Viento Fuerte (Highwind in English, as his surname). Is a person of great determination. It has a spear with which draconarius attacks like the rest of the saga.
Vincent Valentine: mysterious character. Vincent has been subjected to the cruelest experiments (Hojo work) and he is able to transform into monstrous creatures and modify your body at will. He was a member of the Turks in antiquity, and he was in love with Lucrecia, the scientist who gave birth to Sephiroth. He is an expert using firearms.
Sephiroth The One Winged Angel:
Main antagonist of the game. After discovering that grew out of a horrible experiment went mad, Hojo hated and ended up extending his hatred of humans. Believing to be a "Chosen One" who has to carry out the will of "Mother" (Jenova). He find the Black Materia to summon a meteor causing a fatal wound in the planet and seize its power, becoming a god who would rule on the life currents.
After what happened seven years ago in Nibelheim, Sephiroth's body falls into the stream of life and is carried by it, becoming what he calls a traveler from the lifestream. Your body is frozen in a glass material with Jenova's head. Still, it is difficult to know if it's a real villain or just being manipulated, since it began to commit crimes until their first contact with Jenova.
The Turks, are the special organization of Shinra, in charge of the most troubled, including abductions, killings, assaults etc.
- Reno: It is possibly the most charismatic of "the Turks, Reno is the first Turk to see and is a fierce fighter. But do not take their job seriously.He is armed with a kind of power bat.
- Rude: the co-Reno, Rude is one of the most famous Turkish, always trying to protect Reno, which is like a brother to him. He was not good at speeches and in fact, they did Reno and Elena for him.
- Elena: the rookie, entered the service thanks to Reno when she was seriously injured and she has a crush on Tseng. It's a bit awkward though it has a strong will when doing their jobs, unlike their peers.
- Tseng, the leader of the Turks, a man who inspires awe and respect. He is a calm and conciliatory person.
Rufus Shinra, is vice president of the corporation Shinra, son of former president, who assumed command of the company after the death of his father. Often accompanied by the military leader of Shinra, Heideeger, who always complains that it is very annoying laughter.
The phones phobia
The phones become more intelligent. Joseph Willson fells his intelligence mocked by smart phones. He doesn’t know how to do this.
He was already victim of this fear, a fear which he dealt with by pretending these superior techno - beings didn’t exist. For this, he’s kids will has to futilely rebel against.
He was lucky enough to attend the world’s premier wireless trade show on a press pass, which meant that in addiction to the free coffee and sugar cookies.
Before the fair, he had dreamt up a paradise of man: he was to be courted by companies with flashy gadgets; he has USB memory, he was to be winked at by leggy hostesses and he invited to endless buffets of caviar and cava as the business day descended into a debauchery. But the things went wrong from the very beginning.
He heard his phone ring and broke thins into a cold sweat. He has had this phone for four years. Gripped by panic at the social marginalization, he was doomed to suffer at the world’s single greatest gathering of mobile phone enthusiasts when he exposed his dumb.
He actually considered running to buy a Blackberry but he was stopped.
The best teachers
Jamie & Tania or Jamie & Polly, what is the best relationship?

A string of explosions attributed to human error and technical in the fourth reactor at Chernobyl, located about 100 kilometers from Kiev,were the cause of the accident at Chernobyl. It was a fault that hadbeen predicted by Western experts, warnings were ignored by the Soviet authorities.
In the case of central Japan, located less than 300 miles from Tokyoand was considered an extremely safe plant, the quake crippled thecooling systems of the plant and caused explosions in three of thereactors, raising the level dangerously of radioactivity.
The accident at Chernobyl spread 200 tons of material fuse with aradioactivity of 50 million curies, equivalent to 500 atomic bombs of Hiroshima. To lower the temperature, Nipponese authorities
My heart without words ...
Slowly start to move my feelings
The moments that we pass ...
are in my hands
I hold my tears
Way trying to lose weight for my heart
To a place that isn't far and isn't near
Where my alterego waiting
Along my hands one more time
In a place where I live this
In a place of the memories
Although it sounds stupid, always be together
The pain that I leave behind
Dry the tears running down my body