domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Jamie & Tania or Jamie & Polly, what is the best relationship?


Jamie: (Speaking on the phone) Yes, yes, great party, wasn't it? ( Sound of doorbell) Listen, Polly, I've to go. There's someone at the door. Come here this evening? Yeah, Why not? I haven't got any plans. Ok, see you later. Bye, Polly. Bye (Sound of doorbell again). OK. OK. I'm coming! (Opens door) Oh, hi, Tania. How are the things? I wasn't....I wasn't expecting you.
Tania: Well, aren't you going to invite me in?
Jamie: I.....Yes, of course. Come in. (He sits in front of the TV looking worried)
Tania: Jamie, can you turn that thing off?
Jamie: Hang on a second, can I just watch this?
Tania: No, you can't. Jamie, I need to speak to you. This is important.
Jamie: I'm listening, i'm listening.
Tania: You aren't. You never listen. (Turns off the TV).
Jamie: Why did you do that?
Tania: Jamie, it's over.
Jamie: What do you mean? What's over?
Tania: I mean You and me. Us. It's over.
Jamie: Oh, come on, Tania. Let's not start thet again.
Tania: A friend told me you were out on Friday night. Is that true?
Jamie: Someone invited me to a partu, OK?
Tania: OK for you, maybe, but you didn't want to ask me, did you?
Jamie: Idid. It isn't that simple.
Tania: Well, my friend was there and she said that things were very simple for you. (Doorbell rings again.
Jamie: Hang on a second, Tania. I'm sure we can sort this out. (Jamie opens door. Polly is there smiling.) Polly. How did you....?
Polly: I was just around the corner when I called you, so I thought..... (Polly sees Tania.) Oh, sorry, I dind't realize...
Jamie: (Jamie sees Tania and then turns to Polly) Oh, don’t worry, can you go up to my room? In a moment I go.
Tania: (Who was listening) No!, you gone with her to the party last Friday and now you say her to go to your room? And I?
Jamie: (seeing Tania) Well, we only have to talk one moment and....
Tania: Oh, I understant, you want to talk with me quickly for go with this...(pointing Polly and turning red for anger) girl...
Jamie: Don’t be angry for one thing like this, I only said to her to wait me for talk with you. (seeing Polly) Please, Polly go to my room and wait a moment for me. (Polly go to his room)
Tania: Oh, so you are saying that you want to talk to me first and then, you want me to go? I don’t understand!
Jamie: well, what do you want to do later? And... I’ve arranged to meet her today and I can’t say to her to get away now.
Tania: Well, if you prefer to stay with her, our relationship is over, goodbye!
Jamie: But...
Tania: (Opening the door) I don’t want to listen to you! ( close the door so angry)
Polly: (So worried, Polly downstairs slowly) Jamie...
Jamie: (sees Polly) don’t worry, it doesn’t matter.
Polly: Whatever, i’m sorry.
Jamie: Don’t think more about it. (Polly and Jamie upstairs and go to Jame’s room and star to play with the play station but few minutes later, Jamie sees on picture of Tania and stars to cry)
Polly: I’m sorry...(goes to hug Jamie)
A few minutes later Jamie stoped to cry... Polly and Jamie looked each other at the eyes and then, so slowly, they kissed.

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