It is said than originally, due to the humans' corruption, was existing a terrible and very powerful devil, whose essence and caning, more known as Chakra, infinite era and to the than very Rikodou Sennin, the legendary worldly founder ninja, it could expire and you were thanks to it that the people venerated it like to a god.
However, such was this beast's diabolic force, that the teacher had to develop an especial technique to enclose the infinity the chakra of the biju within his own body, with which converted in the first Jinch riki itself ( Caning of the Human Sacrifice )
Fence your death and conscious that when dying the Biju would go back to be free, Rikoudou I use his last forces and achievement dividing the chakra of the beast in nine parts that I disperse for the world, which would be later nines bijus that we know
Finally I create the Moon and the J's original body conceals bi in her, because no human would be able to be capable to catch up with her.
At a later time, almost all wars that are mentioned went with the only one objective to want to obtain to can divine of those powerful beasts to use them in their favor. During the Third Big War Ninja the Occult Villages tried to acquire control on several Biju to use them in the fight, but soon it was clear his handling was very difficult, since in spite of being you depart smaller of the fact that he be occasionally a most powerful being, the bijus they possess them powerful worldly chakras and that to face them, you are like confronting a god.
A form that you found to maintain once these creatures were controlled and aspiring to dominate them although only partially you were to recreate the technique used by the Rikuodou Senin, you are to say of the sealing within people
Ichibi (one tail) is shaped like a tanuki ( dog raccoon ). The Shukaku found within Gaara under instructions of its father the Cuarto Kazekage to be used like weapon
Nibi (two tails) You Have cat's form, it is blue and of ghostly aspect. You found within Yugito N, a girl of the Occult Village of the Nubes
Sanbi (three tails) Found herself pregnant free, without being sealed within a jinch, although previously Yagura also known as the 4 Mizukage was sealed within a ninja of the Occult Village of the fog of the so-called Fog. You remembered his aspect, in Tobi's words to giant turtle's sort
Yonbi (four tails) It was sealed within Roushi, belonging to the Occult Village of the Rocas the Rocks. His aspect is the one belonging to a giant gorilla.
Gobi(five tails) you found yourself in a ninja of the Occult Village of the Rocks sealedly. You tried to make a dolphin's mixture and a horse according to words of Kishimoto, for his aspect.
Rokubi (six tails) you found yourself in a ninja of the Occult Village of the Fog sealedly. His aspect is the one belonging to a dunce. This bij lay down a cape of chakra like give it the ky bi his bearer majored in techniques of bubbles.
Shichibi (seven tails), you found in the body of a kunoichi of the Occult Village of the so-called Waterfall F sealedly. His aspect comes from a winged beetle.
Hachibi, the Biju of eight Tails is sealed in the body of a man of the Occult Village of the nicknamed Cloud His true form is give it a giant bull with eight tails that resemble tentacles, can create bombs of chakra with great destructive power, as well as shields of chakra around its jinch riki.
Kyubi (nine Tails ) He Is a devil that meets within Naruto Uzumaki. Over a decade before tackled the Occult Village of Konoha, and you went sealed for within Naruto Uzumaki the Cuarto Hokage. The most powerful comes from all of the Bij. Help sometimes to Naruto when you are in a difficult situation or a great deal needs chakra
Jubi ( 協卯匠ten tails ) Is a god devil that was sealed within Rikodou Sennin, acquaintance to be the founder of the world ninja.
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