viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Harry Potter: Philosopher's Stone

Differences between the movie and the book of the Philosopher's Stone

Main differences




Wizard chess

When a piece captures an enemy wizard chess, the board removed.

The pieces are a bit wild. When you capture an enemy piece, the wreck.

Before Hogwarts

You go to a place called Hotel Railview, but soon the same cards are being played. They hide in a small island, when Rubeus Hagrid appears on July 31, Harry's birthday. Hagrid hands him a letter saying she has been accepted to Hogwarts, and takes him to buy his tools to Diagon Alley. After shopping, Harry returns to her uncle's house until the start of the year (September 1).

They hide in a small island, when Rubeus Hagrid appears on July 31, Harry's birthday. Hagrid hands him a letter saying she has been accepted to Hogwarts, and takes him to buy his tools to Diagon Alley. However, Harry returns home from his uncles, but stays at the Leaky Cauldron with Hagrid, and are assumed to have spent several days before going to Hogwarts.


The site where Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom made his punishment is in the Forbidden Forest.

The site where Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley do their punishment is in the Dark Forest.


Quirrell snaps his fingers and Harry is wrapped in ropes. Then, when Harry touched Quirrell, it is burned by the spell that Harry's mother left her son.

Quirrell snaps his fingers and the fourth was wrapped in flames, preventing escape Harry. Then, when Harry touched Quirrell, it is ash. Before fainting, Harry sees Quirrell die.

Draco Malfoy

Draco is the first student at Hogwarts that Harry knows. They are trying on the robes, and talk to him. No names, but Draco Hagrid called 'siviente' which annoys Harry. Then, when Draco is Harry on the train to Hogwarts, trying to convince him it's better than Ron Weasley. Harry, however, says he prefers to be friends with Ron.

Harry meets Draco before arriving at the selection ceremony, Ron and Draco insults for being poor and "treacherous blood", and all his family. Harry says he would rather be friends with Ron that Draco.

Mirror of Erised

When Harry looks in the mirror of Erised, he sees his entire family, including his parents, Lily Potter and James Potter.Firenze has dark hair and dark skin. The other centaurs do not appear, but apparently do so in the fifth film.

When Harry looks in the mirror of Erised, sees only his parents, James and Lily Potter.

Firenze and other centaurs

Firenze is a centaur bald, blue eyes, and palomino color. Other centaurs are Ronan and Bane.

Firenze has dark hair and dark skin. The other centaurs do not appear, but apparently do so in the fifth film.

Neville Longbottom

Neville came to Hermione Granger at the Hogwarts Express. It is with Harry when they first see Fluffy, and accompanies him on punishment in the forest. Also, fight with Malfoy. Ron always taught to defend themselves, which is done at the end to prevent Ron, Harry and Hermione go see the philosopher's stone.

Firenze has dark hair and dark skin. The other centaurs do not appear, but apparently do so in the fifth film.

Hat Selection Selector

The way in which students called for the selection of the hat is alphabetical, beginning with Abbott, Hannah.

Students do not have a special form to be called and not all appear. Begin with Hermione Granger.

Tasks that lead to Clímax

Each member of each faculty - Professor Sprout, Professor Quirell, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape. Professor Sprout put a Devil's Snare and Professor Flitwick started flying keys. Professor McGonagall placed a giant chess game, Professor Quirrell got a troll guard and Professor Snape put potions to get to the final room.

Only the first three tests are made, that of Quirrell Snape or displayed, in spite of mentioning that Snape is one of the guardians of the stone.

Minor differences




Harry's dream

Harry mentions that he had a dream about a flying motorcycle, which is actually a memory.

This doesn't happen

The Birth of Nobert

There is an increased time between that view and are caught and punished. No mention of the injury that caused him to Ron Norbert

Everything happens in one night Malfoy discovers that when they are caught and punished.

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