viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Mimzy beyond imagination


La película relata la vida de dos niños que descubren una misteriosa caja con dispositivos extraños que ellos confunden con juguetes
A medida que los niños juegan con estos “juguetes,” comienzan a mostrar niveles cada vez más elevados de inteligencia. El profesor de los chicos informa a sus padres que parecen estar convirtiéndose en genios. Los padres también se percatan de que algo extraordinario está sucediendo. Emma, la más joven de los dos hermanos, le dice a su confundida madre que uno de los juguetes, un conejo de peluche, parece llamarse Mimzy y que “le enseña cosas”. Pronto la situación comienza a estar fuera de control. Cuando Emma advierte que Mimzy les trae un mensaje muy serio desde el futuro, todos se dan cuenta de que están frente a algo realmente increíble.


Mizmy beyond imagination is a powerful film imaginative special effects which give life to an entertaining story for children and where adults will also find a space without falling into extreme drowsiness. It runs on flat surfaces where fantasy takes first place as the child protagonist, as seems to force a Christmas release.

It is also why all meant to be a showcase of good intentions. So the future is a throwback to the hippies of the sixties, where people walk on green and flowery meadows holding hands, a kind of neoliberalism last thread that flies in the face after the appearance of the company leading the new conception of the world (the microchips in charge of creating the toys belong to the powerful multinational Intel, often disappointed).

However, we can not forget that Mizmy, the rabbit responds to a formula endlessly repeated in any product intended for a young audience and as such, it achieves its purpose by keeping children quietly during the screening.

I really liked this movie.
I first saw the book and now I've seen the movie. I acknowledge that the book is much better than the movie.

1 comentario:

  1. Wow, Meriem, I'm completely disconcerted!! What an amount of work you've done...incredible. You love writing, don't you?
    Anyway, try to use your own words, don't copy from the texts you read.Don't use the translator either.
    Keep it up!!

    "The simpler and clearer, the better. To be simple is to be direct. To be direct is to be honest. To be honest is to be fully human."
    Jeff Jarvis
