miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Self Avaluation


Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material…?

Yes I use the powerpoint with video and images

Are the resources relevant and attractive and focused on the topic?


Do they support your presentat?


Is the timing 5-7 minutes?

No, 8 minutes


Are you looking at your audience most of the time?


Are you reading occasionally from your notes?


Are you doing any gestures / movement to hold the attention of the




Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?

Yes and no. One part I do order of importance but not all the time

Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)



Do you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience?


Is your information detailed and clear? Do you give / show examples?


Is your information copied from a source or is it original?

It is original

Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books…?

No, I know this information.


Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)?

Fifty fifty.

Is your vocabulary rich and varied (synonyms, idioms, phrasal verbs, expressions, topic-related vocabulary…)?


Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)


Do you use pause fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)



Do you know how to pronounce all your words?

Yes, but in the oral presentation I'm not tell words perfectly.

Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?

With dictionary, with a programme to spik english and with my cousin than she spik english.

Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time?

I change my tone of voice because I was very nervious.

Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?

With breaks and interruptions.


Hello, My name is Meriem Abjil and now I talk you about DBSK.

DBSK is a group of Pop, from South Korea. DBSK (Dong Bang Shin Ki), also known as Tohoshinki, THSK, TVXQ. The translate name is "Gods Rising from the East." The group is made formed 5 members specializing in dance, singing A Capella and harmonic rhythms. DBSK is very popular in Korea and in Japan, China, and Taiwan and other Asian countries, and 'unofficial', also in countries of America and Europe. DBSK debuted on December 26, 2003 during a Christmas special which starred with BoA and Britney Spears.
The members of the group are: Xiah Junsu, Jae Joong, U-know, Max Changmin and Micky Yoochun.

This is the Xiah Junsu. Xiah was the first member of DBSK and he did an audition made by SM Entertainment. In the audition, the participants did to organized in differents groups to hone their talents. Xiah is very childish and very clowning. He chose this stage name because it was an abbreviation of Asia in Korean.
The position in the group is the baritone.

This is the U-know. Before debuting as a singer he left his parents' house and went to live in Seoul, where they often hadn't eat. Sometimes he stayed with Xiah. U-know is the stage name. He chose this stage name because he is a leader and he say I know you "
This is the Hero Jae Joong. He is the central voice in the group. He is the most popular of DBSK. I did one interview by Starry Sky Channel was voted 40 milions persons. He win the best handsome man of the Asia." He occupies the position of baritons and in the group he is the mother.

This the Max. He is the little in DBSK. He did one audition and the judges I dont now, but he wining the audition but he due. The reason of he due is his age because he is very little. In the final he wining.

He is the Micky Yoochun. He live many time in the America. He is the best speking English in the group of DBSK. He is responsible, careful and sensitive. In the group he occupies the position of low position.

The courisities of DBSK are the:

Jae Joong's father is the most handsome man in the his country

The mother of Xiah wining Miss Korea

And finally I teach you on remix did with songs of DBSK.

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