martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


House 1, the sign rising
The personality, or our way of showing to others.

While the Sun and the Moon have more to do with what really are inside, the Ascendant and the planets in the first house we would like to give information about how others see us.
The Ascendant is our mask we wear for others to see us in a specific way. Therefore, the ascendant and a planet in the first house will influence the way we behave, especially with others. Pysical appearance, as "external self-protection of self".

House 2, Money
Our way of siticking to the physical.

The physical body and our possessions, especially material things we see as ours. The money we have as representing "the material".

House 3, Communication
Our way of connecting with others in the search for roots.

Short trips in order to connect with our environment. The rational mind, the ideas that from the connection between words and concepts. By extension, the brothers and neighbors, as the first "contacts" (connections) that we have.

House 4, Family
The house bran Astrology 4 in our roots.

Our "roots": the mother as "physical container of the new soul." By extension, the family, the country of origin, circumstances at the beginning of life. For example, the circumstances of conception, child, etc. The subconscious mind. The "feelings", that is, the "instinctive movements" of the soul.

House 5, Children
Astrology house 5 in our desire to create new life: the children.

The "realization" of our origins: the children themselves as representing the desire to create new life.
Creativity in the sense of expressing intuitions, we want create what we have inside.
Sexuality as a creative act, or as a pleasure. Pleasure as an expression of inner feelings.

House 6, Health
The house brand 6 in Astrology before interacting adaptation.

Adaptation and preparation phase before interacting.
The health - or illness, as a result of previous internal psychological processes.
Diseases as manifestations of the problems we had to adapt to our situation.
The paper, "our adaptation to society."
The servants, people adapted to us.

House 7, Descending
House 7 in Astrology adaptation mark before interacting.

The Descendant is the point of meeting to find another person to a level of equality. Relate as two equal individuals.
It is basic philosophical sentit is "the manifestation of the subconscious forces in our lives", or outer life are in the results of our internal psychological activity.
By extension:
· The couple as "soul mate."
· The concrete manifestation of the soul of a man or a woman's animus (in the Jungian sense).
· Contracts ..
· The general meetings are made to interact with someone.
· The birth of conscious ideas.

House 8, Sex
The 8 th house in astrology represents the possessions of others in their relationship with the individual whose chart study, for example, on sex.

The sex for total delivery is made to achieve transformation through the deepening of a relationship. Sex for the emotional intensity of the contribution.
Occultism as the "personal commitment to certain ideas, and the deepening of those. As in the case of sex, the occult would surrender to something greater than himself to form a "mystical union", thereby achieving personal transformation.

House 9, Religion

The search for meaning in life.

By extension:
Philosophy, religion.
Travel long, or that we intended to expand our horizons to find our place in life.

House 10, Goals
The Midheaven represents the meaning of life of the individual that would like to get in this life.

The conscious mind, especially as the force that forms the "way" of life. The profession as an expression of "sentite" of life. The goals we consciously want to achieve.
The Fund symbolizes Heaven where we come Midheaven where we are going to do in this life. The area between the Midheaven and the cusp 11 represents the first expression of the meanings of the Midheaven.

House 11, Wishing
Tradition often presented to the eleventh house usually some concepts whose relationship is unclear: friends, desires and hopes and ideals. The basic meaning of this house is in a philosophical sentit: "the realization of what we have thought on the Midheaven.

House 12, Consequences

Here are the consequences of our outer life.

The house 12 has much to do - just as the Ascendant - with our physical appearance and personality. The difference, in this sentite, between a planet in the house 12 and one in the first house is that of the first home run more to an instinctive level, without the inhibitions that can result in house 12. Since the latter task is more "aware" might be a planet in this place too "aware" of its weaknesses: here come the "fears" and "complex" which speaks to tradition when dealing with this house.

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